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This album contains 8  composed songs and a little booklet with the lyrics.

Beside English tekst, the singing part will mainly contain lightlanguage and healing sounds. These sounds are inspired by different spritual realms; like the dolphinspirit, whalespirit, angelic realm, mother earth, divine starfamilies and so on.

These songs are directly birthed from my heart and soul.





The songtitels are:

Dolphinspirit                     A Redla Mare

Calling to the Whale         Crystal Dawn

Ocean of Love                    Moonsong

Temple of the Sea             May the Angels

To listen to the tracks, see button below!Do you want to order the physical CD?

you can sent me an email. Digital downloadlink of Cd Baby is coming soon and at you can allready download this album.

See below for an impression of; "Temple of the Sea in concert". For more concerts you can visit If you like to invite us, or have any idea's for a concert opportunity, we are very open for that and appriciate your effort. You can mail to

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